"Dawn Of A BLack HOle"--inverted version of PsycoFrost4this skin is made by THANOS--POWERSLAVE--info-is@in-file1)this skin is
"Dawn Of A BLack HOle"--inverted version of PsycoFrost4
this skin is made by THANOS--POWERSLAVE--
1)this skin is the fourth in the Psycofrost series.
I made it with the following programmes:
i)MS-paint(all textures were made pixel-by-pixel :( )
ii)Microangelo'98 Trial Version
well this was a real ass kicker!!!
i had to make everything from scratch using only MS-paint!
i cut, past, and sampled colors for HOURS!!!!:((
i finished the whole project in one day (4 hours)
the viscolor.txt gave me real hard time!!
its my 7nth skin...
well i think i have to get Photoshop for the next one!!
i am goin bananas here with my laptop...it does not even have a propper mouse:(
i am going to thank the following:
i)myself for doing the job
ii)the four ice-creams that were eaten
iii)my good-olf laptop that sux!!
iv)my mp3 songs that kept me company
V)and finally my girlfriend that dumped me :(((
i really hope that u like this one because all my previous atempts
were not even commanted by the STAFF or people....
plzzzzzzzz mr.STAFF make a comment on this one!plzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!
thnx again.
do not feel free to modify or rip...i will do that myself!:)
plz e-mail me if you want to be next girlfriend!!lol
...or u have some ideas for my next Psycofrost Skin:)))
Release Notes for the maxlist WinAMP Skin
22. July 2003 - Final Release
created by jim_phelps (Rafael Czerwinski, info-is@in-file)
This skin is a port of the Dynamine visual-style by ...
I couldn't find a decent Dark Angel skin in the winamp database, so I thought I coud make one myself.
Looks better than I expected ;-).
As usual, many thanks go to the members of the Skin Love forum, you guys are the best!(lol):
Skinme, Atmo, C ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...