Czarnystok v.1.0(c) by Smaug/Yoss As you can see, there is some bugs in here, buti'll try to fix them in the next version :-)And no minibrowser and AVS windows
Czarnystok v.1.0
(c) by Smaug/Yoss
As you can see, there is some bugs in here, but
i'll try to fix them in the next version :-)
And no minibrowser and AVS windows supported (yet:-)
To tyle z angielskiego ( i tak wiecej niz Wajda na rozdaniu
Oscarow :-)
A po naszemu, znaczy sie po ludzku dodam tyle, ze calosc
powstala w czasie 8h roboty w czysciutkim, nieopluginowanym
Photoshopie. :-)
Aha, i jeszcze cos po ichniemu, zeby nie mysleli, ze
ze mnie niewdzieczne bydle :-)
This skin was made with:
Adobe Photoshop 6.0
Template_Skin ;-) (veeeery useful tool :-)
Skinner (blah. for the *.txt file with minivisualizer colors:-)
-Skinned everything, now including also
Chiaki Kuriyama Skin
created by May
Version 1.1 completed 28th October 2003
Skin no. 18
working time: 2 day
Finally a new skin. Chiaki Kuriyama yay! Isn't she thes coolest and prettiest??
It's my second real life picture skin and I LOVE it. A ...