Skin: 8oP's Savage GardenArtist: info-is@in-fileNote: (skin #2)My fave music artists. Cool Savage Garden dragon on Main window. Cover from their debut album on E
Skin: 8oP's Savage Garden
Artist: info-is@in-file
Note: (skin #2)
My fave music artists. Cool Savage Garden dragon on Main window. Cover from their debut album on Eq. Tried to follow the SG black/white theme. The little colorful character is supposed to be an angel....
My third Winamp skin.
It's simple & glassic green !
Harmonious with 'DFX-SenseGreen'skin.
Include 'tmsVU_color' & 'albumlist_skin'
Thank you !
e-mail : info-is@in-file
SelectedBG=#00A ...
Steeled v2.2
The third version of the steeled skin.....
New Features.....
AVS skinned
Custom AVS plugin (extract it to your AVS plugins directory)
Hope this skin will finally become a 5 star. :)
Thank you
Contact info :-
email :- ...