6-8-2000This is one of my favorite pictures from one of my favorite manga characters, Izumi Sanofrom the manga Hanazakari no Kimitachi E. It is such a great manga
This is one of my favorite pictures from one of my favorite manga characters, Izumi Sano
from the manga Hanazakari no Kimitachi E. It is such a great manga! For more info on the series
check out my HanaKimi page! http://niko-niko.net/hanakimi
"... in the name of god, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation, Amen..."
>> Hellsing - Alucard WinAmp skin invoked by Nasgaroth at the autumn equinox 2003 e.v.
>> version 1.0 optimized for WinAmp 2.91 and older
>> ...