Sony WinAmp Skin by "The Sheich"(Petar B.I.)Started on Cold Fusion Skin,just ot see where to drawBeginning:07.01.1999Using:Frac
Sony WinAmp Skin by "The Sheich"(Petar B.I.)
Started on Cold Fusion Skin,just ot see where to draw
Using:Fractal Design Painter 5.01(Super Program for Drawing even Design!)
...The Simplicity of the Form is My Goal and I've got it.The pure Form ,Futuristic Design
and Aluminium Cover with Soft Feather Touch Buttons:A Kind Of System That Will Never Be
Produced...At least I am enjoing it right now.
Blessed is he who lives in the Future Even Now.He Sees...We will know...what will be.
...The Other Day IS Coming!!!...Time never stops because it's faster than light
(think about that!)...
Peace. an be cool
P.S.For the Ladies Out There On The Screen:be hot not Cool!over and out
20.03.1999 I've finished almost the final outfit of the skin!!!
I'm last.
Shogun skin for Winamp 2.x
by John Theodorski
April 2001
Skin crafted for Nullsoft 'Official Ninja Month.'
I have used this as an opportunity to expand my collection of skins reflecting ancient civilizations and architecture, so in the ...