The Art Of Flying v.02copyright 2001 by C. PittsHello:If you are reading this then you took apart my skin. SHAME ON YOU! : )Anyways, a lot of work went into thi
The Art Of Flying v.02
copyright 2001 by C. Pitts
If you are reading this then you took apart my skin. SHAME ON YOU! : )
Anyways, a lot of work went into this, so don't mess with it or rip it off or anything. Beyond that, have fun and enjoy. I am (like every other halfway competent skinner) available for skin designs, parties, weddings, fetching coffee, etc. All for a meager financial consideration. Hehehehehehe.
e-mail : info-is@in-file
*** Cube v2 *** created by Kuki
Here we go, a very basic kind of skinning with an unique design. "Cube2" is the latest version of "the Cube", a skin I made a couple of months ago which got the best public rating of all the skins I've ever made. Thank ...
TeCHno SaTEliTe
Frank Boombationne!
Bronx Property (
Effect of looking on earth from a
satelite. While looking, you
enter the underground, of digital
techno. Hope yo ...