designed by: DJ Delorian - -> files , : « read more about grey future , ,
Winamp Skin Properties:
Title: GrapAmp
Author: :RHINO:
Version: 1.7
Winamp version: v2.77
Software used:
MS Paint and
Iconforge 4.6
Thanks for using
this skin. Have fun
and listen to a lot
of great music. Once
again ...
GREY-AMP v1.0 by Barta
Part of the COLOR-AMP collection : WinAmp in 10 flavours.
Playlist's font is Orbit- ...
I just thought I should tell you all who use my skin that if you take
away the Region.txt file you can see the parts that I've made
transparent and if you wonders about anything you can mail me on
and I'll try to response to you as quick as