Version 1.1: Media Library, Video Skinned.
The font used for playlist, "hooge 05_53" is included within this file. Open it with winzip and extract the font to windowsfonts folder. For correct display set the font size to 8 in the winamp display prefer ...
*** Devil Ant [Act2 Encore]
*** Created By Raj.I/O
okay so here's the act2 encore; Devil Ant. Made for the contest. Gotta win. Eyes on the prize.
*** Raj.I/O can be reached at info-is@in-file ...
I couldn't find a decent Dark Angel skin in the winamp database, so I thought I coud make one myself.
Looks better than I expected ;-).
As usual, many thanks go to the members of the Skin Love forum, you guys are the best!(lol):
Skinme, Atmo, C ...