No Limits Winamp Skin created by RyvonThis skin is an experiment using the Region.txt in the skin folder to creat transparencies. Anyone may feel free to alter or
No Limits Winamp Skin created by Ryvon
This skin is an experiment using the Region.txt in the skin folder to creat transparencies. Anyone may feel free to alter or change this skin, but please do not try to take credit for the original design.
ICQ - 23208445
Thank you for downloading my Naru Narusegawa skin.
I'd like to thank AnimeBGX for the wonderful image I used for this skin. If they never made the image, than I probably would have never made this skin. I'd also like to thank Ken Akamatsu, the creator ...
| Neo-X v |
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version 1.0
Author(s) : Neo-axd with X-caponius
Name : is called neo-x :D
Artis ...