Hi,If you are reading this, then I guess that there is a good chance that you are about to 'borrow' some of my images for your own skin.Well don't do it! If you a
version 1 - September 12, 2000
skin for WinAmp v2.x
1. Copy or move savana.zip to the WinAmp Skins directory.
2. Launch WinAmp, and type Alt-S for the ...
Skin created by BlueBalls with written permission by the wonderful
people at http://www.breedart.org
Skin is made as a Tribute to breedart.org, I am not a member.
If you would like to use a portion of this skin for your own skins or whatever...
A ...
Rose Tattoo
visit my website: Comkillserve
Rose Tatoo v2.9
v2.9 updated the skin for winamp 2.9
added video and media library windows.
This skin was made by Mr Tough ...