~ Read Me...{most likely seeing this if you are a skinner or starting out to be one} ~If you are reading this then you are probably a skin maker or simply to freak
~ Read Me...{most likely seeing this if you are a skinner or starting out to be one} ~
If you are reading this then you are probably a skin maker or simply to freakin nosy.
This skin is dedicated to everyone out there that have art in their freakin blood and bytes on the freakin brain.
~[B]HDSonline getting freakin stronger everyday[/B].
Use freely, however dont steal anything {insert: KILL} unless you want to be smitten with herpes. Like that kid, the one with herpes...
%Flash ~HDSonline [coming to a DNS near you]
~!info-is@in-file :first one to send me an email will get nothing...absolutely nothing! Freakin sweet.~
Hybrid ~the orginal, the real, the !dark one!
~That is all. This is not a freakin NFO!
Skin: E=mp3 [03/12/2000]
Author: eddieo (wg)
E-mail: info-is@in-file
This is my first skin.
Hope you like it.
Any comments or sugestions
will be welcomed.
- eddieo -
_____________________________ ...
This is my lastest skin called: Elusive Amp Black and White
Well as always hope u like it, contact me about n e thing on:
info-is@in-file. I love u all so if u want n e thing just ask ok.
The Elusive Melon
This Skin was generated using SkinA ...