This is the first of hopefully many colors for Blue Imperfection.Hope you like it!E-mail me if you have questions, comments, or requests. -Jonathan CerkoneyP.S.
This is the first of hopefully many colors for Blue Imperfection.
Hope you like it!
E-mail me if you have questions, comments, or requests.
-Jonathan Cerkoney
P.S. Oh, and enjoy
the skin!!!
* * * R E A D M E * * *
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B L U E W E S T v 2.01
* about the skin and the tools.
* other skins.
* why I´ve made a minibrowser html.
and how to use it.
- ...
BlueDream v 1.2 by SSJ
Well.. this is not really a new skin. BlueDream take inspiration from an old skin that I found in the deep web...
and is also absolutely one of the first skins for WinAmp.I worked on it and I like the results, also if it was n ...