[Product ID]
Skin for Winamp 2.x
[Product Name]
Thymbria De Sin
[Created by]
Radim Potesil
Czech Republic
[Contact, questions]
All parts of this skin are original. No skin was modified. All images were created in Paint Shop Pro Seven.
The Girl image used in volume bar is taken from video trailer to "Samotari" {The Loners} - Labina Mitevska
[Other skins presented on winamp.com]
Till now only < Cryo Cupid 60s >
Tasuki - Rekka Shinen!
Yeah, yeah we know the romaji is wrong on the skin itself... sigh..
just didn't want to do it all over again. Anyway, it's our favorite
character from Fushigi Yuugi, Genrou-chan! ^-^ He needs more skins
of him out there.
S ...
This exclusive miniature of the Orbit 3+1 theme for Mozilla can be yours for only €99.95 or $199 (plus 99.99 postage and packing). Order now and you will be sent another model every month until the end of time. ...