Woah, his eyes are open! How.. odd :) Here is one of my favoritecharacters from Slayers Next and Slayers Try. It's Xellos/Zeros! I am really not sure how you shou
Woah, his eyes are open! How.. odd :) Here is one of my favorite
characters from Slayers Next and Slayers Try. It's Xellos/Zeros!
I am really not sure how you should spell his name I see it
written both ways. At any rate, this mysterious guy is pretty funny!
Û³ ³Û
Û³ This skin was made for you by Zewen in the year of the lord 1999 ³Û
Û³ ...
XBOX from Microsoft
Released April 10th 2001
*Bandung - Indonesia*
Hi all the skin collector, thank's for downloading this skin, and i hope you like and enjoy.
For the best quality, make sure you run in true-color
(24 or 32 bit) display with a re ...