October 6, 1999Yup, it's another Young Magician skin ^_^ This is from the cover ofvolume 3 of the manga. Quite nifty, eh? The story of the manga revolvesaround t
October 6, 1999
Yup, it's another Young Magician skin ^_^ This is from the cover of
volume 3 of the manga. Quite nifty, eh? The story of the manga revolves
around two young men with unusual powers, and a lot of bizarre occult
things happening around them ^^
Yamaha by Mike
for winamp 2.50
This skin is supose to look
like my YAMAHA CDX-480 & RX-385
here is other skins I have done:
Mike Metal
Mike Amp
[||| CHIP |||] ...
Yuko Amp
Created by: Dubkatz
Email : info-is@in-file
Homepage : http://www.geocities.com/dubkatz008/index.html
-None, this is the first public release.
*About the skins*
The girl on this skin is name Yuko Asahina. Yuko is
I can't help it! I LIKE Yoji! He is such a playboy, I know ! But he is so adorable!
And he has his name printed in his underwear! Hahahah
info-is@in-file ...