pipeline - st**st stands for __--stone--__(again)i youst dont whant to leave the original version like that so i add chrome to look a bit realistic and made i few
pipeline - st*
*st stands for __--stone--__(again)
i youst dont whant to leave the original version like that so i add chrome to look a bit realistic and made i few parts transparent(that was the original idea-but i didnt know how to do it- until now)
man! i now soooo admire other people who are doing this stuff...
ljudi ak ima ko iz hrvatske da je skinio ovaj skin(a bavi se ovakvim ili slicnim stvarima) nek mi se javi na mail...
RonaldoAmp (Brazil) v1.0 - Released April 1999
Created by Gilbone (info-is@in-file)
thank you for downloading this skin. if you would like
to check out Ronaldoland, my really cool Ronaldo site,
go to http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Pressbox ...