Hi there!
First off, I want to stress that this is my first skin ever. Never really had the time to look into stuff like this before. I made it for an assignment at school and I think it turned out pretty nifty =)
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Ari-Tec Redux 2.1 (April 2006)
by info-is@in-file
Thanks to Atomicross for allowing me to give Ari-Tec an overhaul. The original file can be found here: http://users.atw.hu/winamp/skinek/ari.zip
//////////// 2.0 \
With this ...
antex by shottie aka kal36387
do not rip do not rip, all components copyrighted to me. mail
me for permission if you need to use it. info-is@in-file
report any major bugs to info-is@in-file thank you. ...