Name: Carbonate 2
Author: Jocpoc (faldesign)
Timeline: 1.5 weeks
Info: Well, it's here. A remake of my third skin I'll "Carbonate". I couldn't be more satisfied with this. I know this isn't my usual style, but I wanted to see if I was still able to do something clean and soft, instead of my industrial-techy-grungy-dirty style. And hell yes. I think I've succeeded. I could almost say that this is my best skin ever. Is it? You decide. Enjoy!
My email(s):
This skin is copyrighted ゥ to faldesign 2002 and forward. If you want to use this on your site or something like that, please contact me first. Thank you.
This skin was originally intended to be finished by mid October...but with moving across 3 states, having to find a new job, and getting things situated it got pushed back substantially. Now...I think it's done.
-Edward Sadler
info-is@in-file ...