_________________________ Flying Buttons_________________________Created by Jaroslav Vovesv 1.0 - release Juni 2002I hope it's true 3D(on black desktop)?Send
Flying Buttons
Created by Jaroslav Voves
v 1.0 - release Juni 2002
I hope it's true 3D
(on black desktop)?
Send your comments to
Ceska Lipa, Czech Republic, Europe
(Skin No. 003 by PJV)
PJV � 2002
This skin is taken from StarFox� 64 featuring the key charachter, Fox McCloud.
I tried to show most of the picture as well as all of the controls and this was the result.
Colours were chosen to match the starry background s ...
�----------=[ Futurama ]=-----------�
Skin made by Daniel Jansson
No ripping or other mean stuff
URL: http://www.velocity.u4l.com
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