--------------------------------------------------------- Killua: Peace of Mind -- Anime:Hunter X Hunter -- Version:1.5 ----------------------------------------
- Killua: Peace of Mind -
- Anime:Hunter X Hunter -
- Version:1.5 -
Created by: Lhestat
Date created: 7/08/02
Updated: 8/10/02
This is skin is inspired from my "absentmindedness"....
info about this character:
Name:Killua Zoldyeck (i hope i spelled it correctly)
A member of a family of assasins whose Job is
to kill or assasinate people. A very rich guy (have a very big
mansion on a top of a mountain)who joined the hunter exam for
fun and the one that didn't passed the team.I didn't finish
the series so i don't know other informations....sorry.^_^
Fonts Use are:
-911 porscha
Want to put it on your site ..... Ask me first ok!!
Thanks for downloading my skin hope you like it!!!
Salamat Po!
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----Krzysztof Kieslowski - RED ----
-skin by StillWater- version 1.4
For more of my skins, go to: http://www.1001winampskins.com/member_profile.html?author_id=13265
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