skinme!'s IRONCORE for WINAMP2.x last updated: 6 JUNE 2002 created: 7 MAY 2002 completed: 6 JUNE 2002 time taken: approx 120 hours aims: dark skin, rusty metal
skinme!'s IRONCORE for WINAMP2.x
last updated: 6 JUNE 2002
created: 7 MAY 2002
completed: 6 JUNE 2002
time taken: approx 120 hours
aims: dark skin, rusty metal, funky red lcds
[This skin is dedicated to my wonderful girlfriend: I love you.]
To see various screenshots and in-progress comments visit this thread, entitled "symmetria" - ironcore's working title:
As usual, all windows are skinned and all endeavours have been made to ensure it is bug-free. If you find any bugs please report them to me at info-is@in-file. Likewise, if you have any suggestions, please voice them in the appropriate places and manner.
DFX6 skin: I have created a DFX6 for Winamp skin to accompany this skin. It is contained within this archive. To use it open IRONCORE_DFX.ZIP from within this archive (ironcore.wsz), and unzip it [DRIVE]:Program FilesDFXSharedSkins, making sure "Use folder names" or similar is checked. It will be unzipped to a directory called "ironcore" inside the DFX skins directory. To load it, in DFX choose Options... Skin Browser and select ironcore.
MikroAmp skin: I have also created a skin for MikroAmp. It should load automatically if you have MikroAmp installed when you load the Winamp skin. You can download MikroAmp from
Easter eggs: There are two easter eggs in this skin. Try and find them.
All contents of this archive are property of skinme! This archive may only be distributed free-of-charge; no membership fee, or download charge will be charged. This may only be distributed on CD/disk, if permission is sought from me and granted first. If you want to distribute this archive, please make sure it is intact and there are no files added / removed / renamed / changed in anyway. Also, please email me at info-is@in-file to let me know of your plans.
skinme!'s ironcore for winamp2
my website
skinme!'s IRONCORE for WINAMP2.x
last updated: 6 JUNE 2002
created: 7 MAY 2002
completed: 6 JUNE 2002
time taken: approx 120 hours
aims: dark skin, rusty metal, funky red lcds
[This skin is dedicated to my wonderful girlfriend. I love you.]
To see various screenshots and in-progress comments visit this thread, entitled "symmetria" - ironcore's working title:
As usual, all windows are skinned and all endeavours have been made to ensure it is bug-free. If you find any bugs please report them to me at info-is@in-file. Likewise, if you have any suggestions, please voice them in the appropriate places and manner.
DFX6 skin: I have created a DFX6 for Winamp skin to accompany this skin. It is contained within this archive. To use it open IRONCORE_DFX.ZIP from within this archive (ironcore.wsz), and unzip it [DRIVE]:Program FilesDFXSharedSkins, making sure "Use folder names" or similar is checked. It will be unzipped to a directory called "ironcore" inside the DFX skins directory. To load it, in DFX choose Options... Skin Browser and select ironcore.
MikroAmp skin: I have also created a skin for MikroAmp. It should load automatically if you have MikroAmp installed when you load the Winamp skin. You can download MikroAmp from
Easter eggs: There are two easter eggs in this skin. Try and find them.
All contents of this archive are property of skinme! This archive may only be distributed free-of-charge; no membership fee, or download charge will be charged. This may only be distributed on CD/disk, if permission is sought from me and granted first. If you want to distribute this archive, please make sure it is intact and there are no files added / removed / renamed / changed in anyway. Also, please email me at info-is@in-file to let me know of your plans.
Ivanchín v1.0
by Verónica Mogni
Jan 2006
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Spanish version below.
Versión castellana más abajo.
Skinned Minibrowser.
Skinned AVS for old Winamp.
Skinned MikroAmp.
Skinned Minibrowser.
Proud to introduce y ...