343A Feb 2003published by Peacemaker (c) 2003343A, my latest wa2 skin for the 22nd release of breed.one thing before i go on, i have intentionally just complete
78C was skinned in February 2005 by R.D. Jones
This is second, and presumably last, in the 78 series.
Thanks to Maxim for the Region.txt generator, which I used on both
78 skins (I forgot to mention it in the first) and to Jellby for Skinners Atla ...
_____// ality
Threeaility WinAMP Skin
1. INSTALL Just move this ZIP file into
the SKIN subdirectory of WINAMP' ...
X-ICE mk.]|[- By Lawrence Railey
X-ICE, I dunno what the inspiration was for this one....I guess it looks like a frozen computer or something =). Really cool though, probably my best yet. Includes cursors and avs skin.
If your looki ...