_ _ _ Draco Malfoy Winamp Skin - - - Perspired _ _ _= = = Skin for Winamp, created by myrrh = = =Finished Date : 0211.29 1640Draco Malfoy, the of Harry Potter, t
_ _ _ Draco Malfoy Winamp Skin - - - Perspired _ _ _
= = = Skin for Winamp, created by myrrh = = =
Finished Date : 0211.29 1640
Draco Malfoy, the of Harry Potter, the Boy who Lives. As protrayed by Tom Felton in 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets'. Erm, what else do you want to know? If you don't know him, I suggest you go to the movie or rent a VCD or DVD now! har har.
I haven't done a Winamp Skin for years. So it tooks me quite a while finishing this one up. That's why I nick-named it 'Perspired'.. It's also a word from Placebo's Song 'My Sweet Prince', which I think suits Draco's character so much.
Comment are always welcome. I just hope you like it!
Author: John McCord, III
Email: info-is@in-file
Web Page: http://members.8op.com/jpmccord/
Released: May 9, 1999
Information: For use with Winamp 2.x
About the Name: Dark Side of the Moon, 1973 album by the band
Pink Floyd. If you haven't heard o ...