=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-TechDroneRemake=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-The TechDroneRemake skin (and the original TechDrone) created by dollerspark, the loser geek.TechDroneRem
The TechDroneRemake skin (and the original TechDrone) created by dollerspark, the loser geek.
TechDroneRemake and the original TechDrone can be found at www.Winamp.com, www.1001winampskins.com, www.deviantart.com, and possible other application skin websites.
Special thanks to the people at Nullsoft for their great program, www.winamp.com forum members for their input, ideas, and all the things they do to keep me from losing my sanity (or helping me come that much closer ;D), Mischa Klement, the creator of Template Amp which I used as my template, and all those of you who download my skins.
Please do not post/upload any of the skins I've created at your/other websites without my permission, rip this or other skins created by me, or claim this or any other of the skins I've created as your own work. I worked hard to create these, and I hope you can appreciate this.
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or just want to bitch at me (please don't ;D) you can contact me at:
Several of the fonts used in this skin come from MystFonts.com. See more LuigiHann skins at LuigiHann.DeviantArt.com
From the Journals of Atrus:
91.8.12 In my search through the many abandoned private boo ...