This is the first Winamp skin I've made, so I figured I should pick a worthy subject. :) I didn't bother skinning the Winamp browser, because, well, who uses it any
This is the first Winamp skin I've made, so I figured I should pick a worthy subject. :) I didn't bother skinning the Winamp browser, because, well, who uses it anyway?
To find out more about me and my work, including any future skins I make, check out my Websites: (personal) (professional)
Paul Davidson
The skin contained in this zip file is freeware.
If I find that you have:
used it for a business,
placed it in some collection,
renamed it, claimed it as your own,
or added it for download on your website...
without my written permissi ...
---------+-+=) CLAY b o x (=+-+---------
created by Alexej Portnoff.
V e r s i o n 1.0 ------ 10 June, 2000
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Guess what ! All the elemen ...