``````````````````````````` N E X U S - Blue ````````````````````````````I didn't want to copy a particular deck so i mixed up different decks and stuff...I may r
``````````````````````````` N E X U S - Blue ````````````````````````````
I didn't want to copy a particular deck so i mixed
up different decks and stuff...I may release an
orange LCD version if i get some spare time...
I also animated the EQ,Vol & Bal sliders.
There is a small bug in the EQ siders,they overlap
the light effects...sorry for this the skin didn't
look right when i tried to fix it...
```````````````````````````` Skin Contents `````````````````````````````
* Main Control Amp
* Equilizer
* Playlist
* Minibrowser
* Advanced Visual Studio (AVS)
* MikroAmp skin
* Cursors
````````````````````````````` Skin Presets `````````````````````````````
For best viewing results use these presets:
1. Set Visualization to Spectrum Analyzer, refresh
rate @ 70 fps, Normal Style, Peaks ON and Thick
2. Viewed best at 800x600 and with True color.
`````````````````````````````` Skin Info ```````````````````````````````
1. This skin was designed using MS Paint,Adobe
Photoshop 5 and ArcSoft PhotoImpression.
2. No skinning tools were used in designing this
3. This took 2 weeks to complete
4. This skin contains parts from other skins made
by myself.
Skin no.19
`````````````````````````````` Contact Me ``````````````````````````````
If you have questions or comments here are
my E-mail address:
If you like this skin and want to download
my other skins goto:
Durban,South Africa
````````````````````````````` Wobbles 2002 `````````````````````````````
Night Dash V2
"Car Dials/Buttons/Stereo by Night" Skin by EJ
Playlist Font:
Set as "Small Fonts", which looks rubbish above size 9.
Change font size to 9 in Options, Preferences, Playlist, Playlist Editor Appearance, Playlist Font Size.
[Also you c ...