_________Greenoil - 2.9x________a green skin that works better in a darker room fixed it up for 2.9xinfo-is@in-file _------------------------------_ _- its all
_________Greenoil - 2.9x________
a green skin that works better in a darker room
fixed it up for 2.9x
_- its all green -_
"GrandPa's Stereo" Skin for Winamp
Version 1.0
GrandPa's Stereo is "fully win ...
; This region info generated by Winamp region.txt generator which is made by Maxim.
; http://winamp.mwos.cjb.net
; Note to skin authors: You can remove these comments so long as you leave one copy of the two lines above.
NumPoints=4,4,4,4,4,4 ...