Numark BlueDog - A WinAmp "Skin" Interface.
version 4
Version notes:
New avs window and reworked player buttons
Designer's notes:
The interface is based on my personal Numark BlueDog mixer combined with some buttons from their cd-players. With this update comes a full set of Numark product look-a-likes. Not only the player, but also equalizer, playlist editor, minibrowser and avs, all in the same dj-style.
Display notes:
The only display to be used is a a hi-color (16-bit) or even better, a smooth true-color (24- or 32-bit) display. As it is originaly made in 24-bit.
Thanks goes out to:
Numark, for their excellent equipment.
/Henrik Mjöberg, info-is@in-file
Intesity WinAMP Skin
1. INSTALL Just move this ZIP file into
the SKIN subdirectory of WINAMP's installed folder.
2. extract QUARTZ to the WINDOWSfont folder
2. Run WinAmp and press ALT, S
3. Select CS Amp from the list
Version ...
Nokia 7110
This version has the Nokia 7110 cellular phone styel. Hope you
like this variation.
Nokia7110 Version 1.1
This skin is compeletely made with Photoshop.
Other Nokia versions will be able soon. Cause Nokia has the style.
info- ...