.Angels Eyes - Winamp 2.0+ skin set===================================.VERSION 1.3.RELEASE: Nov 10, 2001.SKIN MOTIVEThe skin motive is on Rei Ayanami, from the
.Angels Eyes - Winamp 2.0+ skin set
.RELEASE: Nov 10, 2001
The skin motive is on Rei Ayanami, from the anima/manga series Neon Genesis Evengelion.
Rei is the first child and pilot of Evangelion Unit 00. She's very, very quiet and shows
almost no emotions. She dislikes meat, and jas no friends besides Asuka and Shinji
(the 2nd and 3rd children/pilots.) She's usually alone, and lives by her self in an
old apartment. Rei is 14 years old has no parents, born fron science. Has blue hair
and red eyes, whitch to be caused by the genetic recombination of Angel and human DNA.
Just copy the .zip file to your .WinampSkins directory. When unzipping the file it'll make
a folder automaticly. (In the newer versions you don't even need to unzip the file.) Then
enter [Options / Skin Browser] or us Alt+S. Then mark the folder/filename and there you have
1.0 - The first release of the skin.
1.1 - Fixed the MB Url graphic and added the MBBG and MBFG in pledit.
1.2 - Added one more background picture to the Main and EQ window.
1.3 - Added skin to the AVS window, and some more graphics to Main.
Kevin Chok (info-is@in-file)
AMD Thunderbird Processor Skin Version 1.0 by Garbo 7-28-00
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