Hello This is the readme file for my winamp3 skin...i need to say that all of the original images used to make this skin areowned by nullsoft for winamp 3, i jus
This is the readme file for my winamp3 skin...
i need to say that all of the original images used to make this skin are
owned by nullsoft for winamp 3, i just cut an pasted them around.
no copyright infringment was intended.
http://www.1001winampskins.com/ skin comments;
OK well as you can see this skin is based on the screenshots released
for winamp 3 at NSDN, i know i know, it didnt take me as long to make
this skin as it would if all the work was orginally mine, but the
practical upshot is that you get to have a winamp looking like winamp3
before the actual program comes out. I can a ssure you that i don't
want to cause any trouble with this skin just enjoy it pls :-)
other than that this skin was made by me and took me aprox 3 days,
and i enjoyed making it
so without further ado enjoy winamp 3 skin
-- W i b o m --
{Special Edition}
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
By Mark Wibom (info-is@in-file)
Made alot of changes since v3.0, it looks
nothing like the other versions.
1. "Screw effect" on EQ.
2. Transparent effect on the left N right s ...
WinAmp skin by keith hall / roving cowboy.
Only uses the main player images from winamp.
And it needs to have the sdb background files it uses them for the backgrounds ...
Winamp Dot Com
Here's my little contiribution to Nullsoft and the Winamp community. I was really bored one day so I just decided to make a skin. I didn't have any ideas so i thought I'd steal one:) I was admiring Winamp.com when I thought their colors ...