~~~~~~~~~~ SHINY WOOD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~This skin is for those who like unclutered,minimalist skins...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This skin was created using
~~~~~~~~~~ SHINY WOOD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This skin is for those who like unclutered,
minimalist skins...
This skin was created using only MS PAINT
and took many days to perfect...
The skin contains the following
skinned windows:
- main amp
- equilizer
- playlist
- mini browser
If you want to rip this skin go ahead,
since it was inspired by many other
older skins...
The first skin by WOBBLES...
Look out for my new releases...
e-mail: info-is@in-file
~~~~~~~~ WOBBLES 2001 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Enfin fini!!!!! Voilà le skin made in house de "SEVEN" alors que les serial-killers se régalent.
Pour toutes infos contacter moi info-is@in-file (COUVREUX Alexandre - FRANCE). ...