|## KORNSTER FOR WINAMP ## # ## # # ## # # # #|
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|#: KIGvsX-CAPONIUS :# # ## # # ## # # # #|
|######################### # ## # # ## # # # #|
|#@ 02>09>2k @# # ## # # ## # # # #|
hi this is the readme
lets do some evil interview stuff now, ye
X-CAPONIUS Asks - KIG Answers
Kig? Where did that came from?
You don't want to know (a long story cut short).
How much do you expect this skin to get at deskmod anyway?
I don't know? Twenty-something?
Your heroes?
Leonardo DaVinci, a great artist and an all-around
KIG Asks - X-CAPONIUS Answers
What is your name?
You can call me X
What is your quest for?
Ummm happyness is quess
What is your favorite color?
Favorite color??? i dont have one, but i tend to prefer blue in most of the cases...
correct. you may pass.
hehe stupid monty python pun
i made all the shiny things in this skin, xcaponius made some things too.
maybe he'll explain :P
i'm sick. literally. flu.
kig made all the shiny things...i made some things too. :b
AuthorInfo -->
Author KIG
mail info-is@in-file
http http://kig.skinz.org
mail info-is@in-file
http http://www.allskin.com/xhrc
Keenwood KDC-2019
uploaded Kenwood KDC-2019
01-09-2003 -update
* a better look on main.bmp "3D look"
* achange in color in timer
* vis outline change
* EQ's text now more readable
* slight chang ...
-KB- [kick 'n' bass] ...marS
Can you believe it? Only 3 days to make this skin
Its a new record I think :D
Thanx to all you 4 downloading -KB-
for eny comment: info-is@in-file
Special thanx to SMAR ; ...