Renegade X
Comments? Suggestions?
Web Site:
July 1st, 2001
Pat Dengler
This is my first attempt at skinning,
and my hats are off too all of you who
have done this. What a task.
I KNOW the eq sliders aren't there.
I left them out for aesthetic reasons.
I wanted to do something different.
Just set them in another skin, switch
back and enjoy.
Rush - "Roll The Bones"
Created by Eric @ Power Windows.
For more Rush Skins for Winamp, and
other Rush PC enhancements, visit
http://www.2112.net/powerwindows ...
River Plate skin
Por Verónica Lemos
Febrero 2004 - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dedicado especialmente a mi esposo.
Espero que lo disfruten.
Gracias por bajarlo.
Bosteros abstenerse.
Comentarios? Sugerencias?
info-is@in-file ...