=== TI-83amp Version 1.1 by Panther 37 ===
I wanted this amp to look as close I could make it
to my TI-83 graphing calculator. Most of the amp
display is supposed to look like it is dot matrix. All
of the fonts come straight from the calculator.
> (v.1.0.)
Thank you for downloading this skin. I hope that you like it and that you'll enjoy it.
Other skins: Tal'Shiar
Bird Of Prey
Delta Flyer
Lyran AMP
Jeri AMP
Quantum AMP
Borg Con ...
Version 2.51
By flatmatt
May 15, 2004
Version History:
- Added gen.bmp "no resize" mode image
- Added video window
- Added generic frame
2.0 (First "2000" edition):
(Based on the Winamp3 ...