PvP skin 1.0
by Gustav Ladén
mail: info-is@in-file
web: crash.to/grefven
Yes! a PvP-skin, indeed..made for the skinning
contest over at pvponline, it is.
All characters are made by our hero Scott Kurtz,
(even though I took the liberty to colorize some
of them) so The Copyright Are Belong To Him
but the rest is mine..yees..ALL mine..moahahah..
Don't forget to visit http://www.pvponline.com
for your daily PvP-fix.
..and why not visit my little homepage while
you're at it? : http://crash.to/grefven
There you'll soon find more skins and music and
..thats about it
[c] Gustav Ladén 2001 (skin-tjyvar och annat
löst folk göra sig icke besväret..)
Polaramp 1.0
by Endre aka trigger
(First release: Polar Party 14)
October 2005
Dette er fřrste gangen jeg lager winamp-skin.
Jeg har br ...