..:: Dizconnect v1.0 for WinAmp 2.X ::..>Finally< finished this skin, and it's my final WA 2.X skin right away. I will continue for
..:: Dizconnect v1.0 for WinAmp 2.X ::..
>Finally< finished this skin, and it's my final WA 2.X skin right away.
I will continue for WinAmp 3 when a good version is out that actually runs on my computer.
Right now I will go on and make some GFX, maybe some wallpapers, and start doing my site the right way.
The GFX on my site is already there, but I need some more programming.
I hope you'll like this skin, pass it on to your friends.
DON'T copy or modify the skin. It's a registered design (D).
UPDATED june 10th 2003
* added Video
* added library
* changed color on eq bars and cbuttons
* changed bgcolor on playlist
Skin Name: Drink Coca Cola
Author: Caroline Johansson
Date: 2003.05.27
Skin Uploaded: 29 may 2 ...
Debbie Does... ...Winamp
(c) 2000 Neil Harvey
Loosely based on the cover artwork of the classic "art" film of the late '70s, Debbie Does Dallas !
Version History
Upgrad ...