________________________________________The Resurrection of Kaiser Bobo________________________________________The resurrection of Kaiser Bobo skin for WinAmpwa
The Resurrection of Kaiser Bobo
The resurrection of Kaiser Bobo skin for WinAmp
was created by the all-powerful and wise, Bobo,
the eternal god of Meat.
You can distribute this file as much as you want
as long as you don't mess with the main archive.
Iside is MINIBROWSER SITE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheSims Amp v1.0
It's my 5th skin and it contains the main window, the playlist, the equalizer, the minibrowser and the AVS.
I used Microg ...
"The Hollow" V1.0 July 19 2003 by ~dimichan~
Made for the skin remix contest at 1001winampskins.com
Original skin - "Nostromo" by Atmo, remixed with his permission, you can see the original at http://www.1001winampski ...