"Karma Slave"by HeyokaCompleted: 05/28/01Subject: Sha Gojyo from the manga/anime Saiyuki by Kazuya MinekuraDescription: I call
"Karma Slave"
by Heyoka
Completed: 05/28/01
Subject: Sha Gojyo from the manga/anime Saiyuki by Kazuya Minekura
Description: I called the working file "wetslutgojyo". I think that says it all. :D
Tools: Paint Shop Pro 6 w/Super Blade Pro
Thanks to: Duk @ the WinAmp "Skin Love" forum for feedback and support when I first put the skin together and discovered how much difference one pixel width can make. Ragabash for inspiration, although she had no idea.
This is my first ever application skin, produced in just about a week. I think it doesn't suck. :D
What's funny is that I'd been planning to create a WinAmp skin for a while, I just hadn't gotten around to it. I even had a hi-res scan of a CLAMP pic and everything. Then I finally started messing around with it a week ago, but wasn't liking the results. On a whim, I tried this picture of Gojyo, which is also the base of my current blog layout (http://www.nade-nade.net/karmaslave/). And it started really working, so I kept going with it.
I went ahead and borrowed the blog title for the skin because it's so appropriate for...well, everyone from this series, really. The title, in turn, is borrowed from the Splashdown song of the same name.
If you like this skin, or have suggestions for refinements, I'd love to hear from you!
Please don't post this skin on any websites or archives without asking me first.
Hmm I amnot sure if I like this one or not. I felt I needed to do
a Kiki skin because I love the movie so much, but I had a hard time
finding an image I thought would work. This one would work ok, but the
quality of the image isn't so hot ...