* DJ Cowboy Digital Audio System *==================================Thank you for downloading and installing this skin.http://www.mp3.com/DJCowboy - MP3.com page
* DJ Cowboy Digital Audio System *
Thank you for downloading and installing this skin.
http://www.mp3.com/DJCowboy - MP3.com page
http://twohorse.homestead.com/twohorse.html - Two Horse Web Page
http://www.angelfire.com/indie/djcowboy - Angelfire DJ Cowboy Page
Using the fantastic JVC skin for the basis of my design and layout - I took my time in Adobe Photoshop and tweaked almost everything. It has X large, complex and detailed screens, and, ALL of the buttons LIGHT UP when pressed! (Even the E.Q. sliders!)
If you like this skin (or electronic music) please show your support by visiting the MP3.com/DJCowboy link mentioned above. (Where there are many FREE mp3 downloads available!) DJ Cowboy is ambient electronic music in the style of Moby, Fat Boy Slim, The Chemical Brothers etc. Thanks again for your support.
The makers of the first incredible JVC skins!
JVC-amp 1.0 JVC-Amp 2.0
By JavaJack By $teven
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HISTORY OF SKIN: (well it's just a joke, so far this history is 14 days old)
ver. 1 (unreleased)
the idea came from a commercial seen on tv and...
a little bit too "flat", i couldn't post the skin because the ******.com server was
doin' something a ...
Danielsson AMP 3 *** for Winamp - All Rights Reserved
- By Danielsson -