name: Lois and Clark 1By : Salvatoremail: info-is@in-fileICQ#: 36602778This is one of the two Lois and Clark skins.For each caracter I made a skin.So please d
name: Lois and Clark 1
By : Salvatore
mail: info-is@in-file
ICQ#: 36602778
This is one of the two Lois and Clark skins.
For each caracter I made a skin.
So please download the other one too.
'The Ultimate Lois And Clark Site On the Net!'
This skin was designed for
their email: info-is@in-file
Comments/ideas are welcome.
other skins:
The Matrix skin
The Matrix skin v2
Lois and Clark 2
Thanks for downloading Leader Nut's WinAmp Skin...
to install this skin just unzip all of the files in your WinAmp
directory... using the old folder option in winzip or -d command
for pkunzip ... it should create a folder called "leadernut"
once all ...
Skin pour Winamp 2.91
version Française
21 juillet 2003
Laurent Malivert
58 rue François Chénieux
87000 Limoges
info-is@in-file ...