.::Matra III::.--=======================-- - Created by T K (THK and T-K) H--=======================--Hi folks, I'm THK and this is my fifth Skin. This is a c
.::Matra III::.
Created by T K (THK and T-K)
Hi folks, I'm THK and this is my fifth Skin. This is a continuation of my Matra Series, too bad it had to take a YEAR! for Matra III to come out. Used Adobe Photoshop 5.5 & Pure Skill! (he he)
- All windows (Main Window, WindowShade, Equalizer, EQ WindowShade, Playlist, Minibrowser & AVS Window) fully skinned
For best Quality, choose the following options in the OptionsVisualization Preferences (ALT+O):
- Spectrum analyzer options: Fire style (Peaks & Thin/Thick Bands: The way U like it...)
- Winshade VU options: Smooth VU
- Also make sure you're using 24bit colors or higher, otherwise it won't be a pleasure to look at it ... :-)
So, now if you like or really hate it or if you have any suggestions, questions or found BUGS please drop me a line at info-is@in-file
If you're still reading on, you're quite interested in this skin, heh, aren't you...?
I want to Very Specially thank T-K for their great Equalizer design, name of the skin, and for being a reviewer & a Beta tester.
Thanks to XJC, PRODI-G, exM COR (Not that they played any part in creating the skin. Their good friends Nonetheless)
Cheers to Nullsoft Winamp for being the BEST player in the world!
Tropical Regards from Kandy / Sri Lanka.
Release Date: December 11th 2001
Copyright Issues
2001 THK & T-K
My Artistic Design version 2.91
by Korney "Carbofos" Czukowski,
This is a Classic Winamp ...