This is my lastest skin called: Elusive Amp Black and WhiteWell as always hope u like it, contact me about n e thing on:info-is@in-file. I love u all so if u want
This is my lastest skin called: Elusive Amp Black and White
Well as always hope u like it, contact me about n e thing on:
info-is@in-file. I love u all so if u want n e thing just ask ok.
The Elusive Melon
This Skin was generated using SkinAmp. SkinAmp is freeware, so if you want to get it, just mail me!
My email: info-is@in-file
If you want to visit my homepage, please goto
There you can find the newest versions of SkinAmp and other programs written by me...
Thanx for reading,
Dr. Algebra.
Version 1.0
By flatmatt
Well, there's not really that much to say about this one. The inspiration for this skin was a combination of guilt for not skinning enough, a need to experiment with warm colors (something that has been rathe ...