Hi, thanks for downloading XG Synth-Amp. This is my second Winamp skin, the first being IBM Amp. I putin alot more time on this one (3 months vs. 3 days for IBM Am
Hi, thanks for downloading XG Synth-Amp. This is my second Winamp skin, the first being IBM Amp. I put
in alot more time on this one (3 months vs. 3 days for IBM Amp), so hopefully it is decent.
If you have any problems, suggestions, or questions, feel free to contact me.
- Prashant
email: info-is@in-file
Name of Skin: XG Synth-Amp
Release Version: 1.02
Description: This skin is loosely based on Yamaha's YXG-70 SoftSynthesizer software. Other than the color scheme and logos, it's original work. The Equalizer is pretty slick :)
Category: Either Computer/OS or HiFi
Author Name (me): Prashant Sistla
Email Address: info-is@in-file
Homepage: http://members.xoom.com/Hifi311/
july 19, 2002
xbox masteramp winamp skin release 1.03
my third skin, took me about 40 hours to do this one. I'm a huge xbox fan, and I'll most likely make a few xbobx game-based skins, (ie halo), in the near future.
My fiance' gave up alot of ho ...
-Water Elemental by xenosomething-
dont rip!
the skin is only available at ....
if this skin is anywhere besides those sites...
email me at info-is@in-file ...