t i m e h o s t a g e ========================= we do not control time it controls us therefore, we are all hostages of time=================================
t i m e h o s t a g e
we do not control time
it controls us
therefore, we are all hostages of time
What a shitty way to start a readme.
Anyways thanks for downloading Time
Hostage. Always good to know that there
are still people who enjoy quality
skins. Started with an idea and inspired
by Misery's Plasma (go download it if
you don't already have it!). Came up
a grey, greenish-yellow skin with a bad
attitude. Totally reminiscent of time
travel. Well not really, but who cares.
Discovered few new things about
Photoshop while making Time Hostage.
Like my other skins, an AVS preset is
included. It's called Time Hostage.
Check it out. Hope you have as good of
a time using this skin as I had making
signing off
Another skin for winamp....
I'don't feel very nice right now....
A girl told me something....
You know...
Something bad....
Girls!!! Hahaha....
Yeah! i know my skin isn't very good but.......I like it (?)
I tried.....
If you wan ...
; 2003 By Bill Donaldson
;Skin name:Tascam 450
;Version: 1.1
;Date Completed: June 21st,2003
;Contact: info-is@in-file
;Programs: Transkinner, Photoplus 4.0 by U-lead,Winskinner for playlist text editing,SR32 screen captureing tool.
;Skinning t ...