- The name of the skin: Star Trek based Audio LCARS- Release version of the skin: 2.10- A short description of the skin: Star Trek based LCARS for MP3 Players- T
- The name of the skin: Star Trek based Audio LCARS
- Release version of the skin: 2.10
- A short description of the skin: Star Trek based LCARS for MP3 Players
- The category that best fits your skin: TV & Movie Genre
- Designer: Thom Puckett
- Email address: info-is@in-file
- Home Page: http://members.aol.com/tcpiii/tcpiii.html
- Originally published June 23, 2000
If you use it, send me your participation to do others skins. Thank you.
Il vous plait? envouyez moi une participation pour travailler sur d'autre skins. Meri.
Skin pour Winamp 2.91
version Française
3 aout 200 ...
Title: Life on the Farm
Game: Harvest Moon
Author: kayak
Email: info-is@in-file
UPDATED: Repaired one of the cursors. Now includes MikroAmp skin and Mbinner.
Harvest Moon is one of those annoyingly repetitive but addictive rpg games. It's about f ...