TutchMee by MsbSThis is my 4th skin, not very sophisticated, but I quite like it.Everything is skinned (well, unlessthere's a new Winamp-feature with undocume
by MsbS
This is my 4th skin, not very
sophisticated, but I quite like it.
Everything is skinned (well, unless
there's a new Winamp-feature with
undocumented windows or something).
Now it's probably time to learn
the transparency stuff, so maybe
the next skin will be less mundane.
The lack of custom cursors is caused
by my laziness - can't help it, it's
too time-consuming. But if I can think
of an original, nice-looking arrows,
they'll surely be introduced.
TribalWar.com Companion Skin
DwarfVader 2005, info-is@in-file
Made for your visual utility:
-100% completely customized for WA versions 2.x, 5.x plus MikroAmp, Album List and Announcer plug-ins
-+MikroAmp users will notice a customized "Now Playing" ...
Takasan Shimabukuro TEXTZ
Admiring people's work, I create one for myself.
You can distibute this skin freely, but please do not modify.
First Ever Skin By TakaSan Shimabukur ...
HeavyMetal - yeah!!!!
Made by: t-k
Date of completion : 25.06.2002
Started this in early June. Much inspired by the excellent work of Vida. Everything is skinned apart from the cursors.
The skin was made listening to various types of rock music and ...