KANNADA by PRAVARDHANI live in BANGALORE(city), KARNATAKA(state), INDIA(country).I have made the language in KANNADA where it is possible.I would liketo promote
I live in BANGALORE(city), KARNATAKA(state), INDIA(country).
I have made the language in KANNADA where it is possible.
I would liketo promote KANNADA which is my MOTHER TOUNGE.
I have made a difference in the minimize,
Windowshade Mode and Close buttons.
Please keep the Refresh Rate @ 70fps &
Analyzer Falloff @ FULL.
Visualization Mode : Spectrum Analyzer
Spectrum Analyzer Options: Normal Style, Thick Bands and No Peaks
Oscilliscope Options : Line Scope
Winshade VU Options : Smooth Vu
Refresh Rate : 70fps
Analyzer Falloff : O O O O ^
Peaks Falloff : No Peaks will be visible
If You Have Downloaded this Skin Then
please E-Mail me a Confirmination :o)
You may distribute this skin freely as
long as this text file is included.
Web Site:
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
Keenwood KDC-2019 + x459 eXcelon
Have fun and enjoy as much as I enjoy skinning it.
"Keenwood KDC-2019 + x459 eXcelon" for winamp is based from pic ...
-KB- [kick 'n' bass] ...marS
Can you believe it? Only 3 days to make this skin
Its a new record I think :D
Thanx to all you 4 downloading -KB-
for eny comment: info-is@in-file
Special thanx to SMAR ; ...