KANNADA by PRAVARDHANI live in BANGALORE(city), KARNATAKA(state), INDIA(country).I have made the language in KANNADA where it is possible.I would liketo promote
I live in BANGALORE(city), KARNATAKA(state), INDIA(country).
I have made the language in KANNADA where it is possible.
I would liketo promote KANNADA which is my MOTHER TOUNGE.
I have made a difference in the minimize,
Windowshade Mode and Close buttons.
Please keep the Refresh Rate @ 70fps &
Analyzer Falloff @ FULL.
Visualization Mode : Spectrum Analyzer
Spectrum Analyzer Options: Normal Style, Thick Bands and No Peaks
Oscilliscope Options : Line Scope
Winshade VU Options : Smooth Vu
Refresh Rate : 70fps
Analyzer Falloff : O O O O ^
Peaks Falloff : No Peaks will be visible
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please E-Mail me a Confirmination :o)
You may distribute this skin freely as
long as this text file is included.
Web Site:
:: Katatonia Viva Emptiness III WinAmp skin | commited - Dec 17 2003 | perpetrator known as Nasgaroth | contact - info-is@in-file | more evidences - www.grief.art.pl | skin compatiblity up to 2.91 version confirmed | quotation attached - "when you have n ...
*** K.S.K.amp v3.1.1 *** (Black Pearl)
This skin is dedicated to our noble fans of our noble team,Kar��yaka.
It is NEITHER prohibited NOR illegal to use bitmaps or cursors of this skin in any case.Use it as if it were yours.
-Skin ...