Windows 98 skin for Winamp v. 1,4Author: Misiek N.Date: 24.IX.2000Where: Swidwin (Poland) Hi. Thanks for downloading the third version of Windows 98- amp skin.
Windows 98 skin for Winamp v. 1,4
Author: Misiek N.
Date: 24.IX.2000
Where: Swidwin (Poland)
Hi. Thanks for downloading the third version of Windows 98- amp skin. I wanted this skin to look like the integral part of Windows 98.
-It's best to use it with non skinned font. How to do it? That's quite simple. Go to "Preferences" dialog box and then "Display" options. Now disable option called "Use bitmap font for main title display (no int. support)".
-Now You should disable option called "Use Winamp-styled (skinned) cursors" (in the same window).
-The other important thing is to use the file "winampmb.htm" that's included with this skin, instead of one that you already have in your Winamp directory. Just copy it from the .zip file into the main Winamp directory. That's it! Now you can enjoy having this skin best.
Please don't modify or change any file from this skin, and don't use any of them as the one part (they all have to be together). Don't delete any file from this skin either. Feel free to give this skin to your friends but only with this "readme" file included and not modified in any way. If you delete it don't distribute this skin !!!
If you find any bugs in this skin, or you have any suggestions about it- send me an e-mail on: info-is@in-file
If you want to have this skin on your www or ftp sites- write the name of the URL in your e-mail to me.
Greetz fly to: my best friend- Iza, whole class 4B (1999/2000), and everyone from my last school (that's Liceum Ogolnokszta³cace im. Wl. Broniewskiego w Swidwinie).
Windows 98- amp v. 1,1: New everything! That's the point we're starting from :-)
Windows 98- amp v. 1,2: Fixed some bugs:
- main: when clicking alternately Shuffle & Repeat buttons, some pixels from Repeat disappeared;
- main: changed boring windowshade;
- equalizer: changed font on the Preset button;
- playlist (moving Windows flag in the left top corner, while changing Winamp windows);
- added skin for AVS;
Windows 98- amp v. 1,3: Fixed little buggie in equalizer (some pixels from the On/Off button in the left top corner were unvisible);
Windows 98- amp v. 1,4: New balance slider in main window;
Misiek N. (2000)®
/* Released:?/?/Y2k
WORDS FORM THE MAKER: This skin is an Oringal... "will as far as i know"... i made it
all, Its all from my head. Will thats it im not one for talking crap.
| /¯¯ | | /¯¯ |¯¯
|_ / | | ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...