ReadMe!.txt -- Tropha v1.0 for WinAmp 2.x-------------------------------------------I've been working for some time on this one.The reason I started on this skin
ReadMe!.txt -- Tropha v1.0 for WinAmp 2.x
I've been working for some time on this one.
The reason I started on this skin is to show this
guy Fadi that rippin' isn't good and you are better off
making your own skins.
I sayd to him that when he start ripping again I didn't want anything
to do with him, and he did.
So, now I havn't seen him.
Even though thanks for some ideas
(gotta give credit where credits are necessary).
Enjoy the skin!
Created in/with:
32 Bpp
Adobe Photoshop
MS Paint
MS Notepad
General Mail: info-is@in-file
About skins: info-is@in-file
(D) 2001 - SMAR Designs
Registered Design
This is a hybrid of Transparamp, some other amp skins, and a lot of
original artwork. Thanks to those who made the originals.
[Dialog Colors]
; background of the dialog box
; text of stuff in the dialog box
dialog_colo ...
----- D E M O N -----
This one took me hours... 22 hours totaly.
Everything was skinned. Lyrics, Bookmark Skin... result of a empty day. :/
But, worth it.
Don't Rip this Skin.
Any comments , e-mail me at:
Primary E-mail:
info-is@in- ...
:: Transparency 2.0::
By Andrew Mackowski
This skin, in part or in whole, may not be sold or distributed without the Author's expressed written consent. ...