~~~OMC-Amp~~~ ~~OrderMusic.com~~ A Million More TitlesClick it. Charge it. Get it.Hi!Just a note.......This skin looks best against darker backgrounds. :)I w
A Million More Titles
Click it. Charge it. Get it.
Just a note.......
This skin looks best against darker backgrounds. :)
I want to thank Robert...... for taking a dream he didn't even know
I had, and making it come true! *hug*
I want to thank OrderMusic.com for giving me the opportunity
to do this skin........AND for giving us a sweet place to get tunes!
I want to thank Simon Eichorn (info-is@in-file)for his permission
to try out his truly inspiring transparency!! Danke sehr Simon!
I also want to thank Kimmo Laine (info-is@in-file) for putting up
with my endless chattering 'til I "Finnish-d" this one!! *grin*
Hmmmm.......I think that's it!
Copyright (c) 2000 Jayn Plecas (info-is@in-file)
=/= Outpost 10F Winamp Skin Version 1.4 =/=
How to use this skin:
First remember in which directory you've put the .zip file,
or where you've unzipped it in. Then start Winamp and hit Alt-S,
then choose the "O10F1_4" skin and press close. If i ...
ReadMe!.txt for the Overtech skin for WinAmp*
Another skin finished... I keep spittin' them out.
The skin is kind of a combination between 2 skins (X-Tech and Overtuned), with a little new stuff.
But that ...